Monday, October 30, 2006

see ya later!

i've been looking forward to this for quite awhile now...and it's finally here! in a mere 10 hours the mister and i board a plane bound for ORLANDO FLORIDA!!!

i've never been on that side of the country and i couldn't be more ready for a looooong break! and i haven't packed yet, so you get lovely florida pictures instead! see you next week!
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our AMAZING hotel...portofino bay resort:
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what i'll be doing most of the time:
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go ahead. be jealous. every blogger gets their chance for a vacay...this is mine!


Anonymous said...

Why are you going to Florida to give people massages? Is there too much competition in P-town with Tabs? Well, you should wave on your way over Memphis. Have fun.

LoriLoo310 said...

Alright, alright, I'll admit that I'm jealous. But just this once! How long do you get to stay?