there's this all-women run company that does interior office design. they were hired by another all-chick company in NYC who gave the women free reign on every aspect of the design. Here's what they came up with for the boys watercloset in the office.
i LOVE this... i read that it was in some bathroom in vegas... i like top think that they are all over the place.
Oh my! That was a great way to start off my morning! Hahaha.
I hope those girls (theose in the picture) realize that they can never actually go into that establishment.
I hope those girls (on the wall) are the one's running that company!! I want to work for a place with a sense of humor like that!
Peek-a-loo? Peek-a-me?
hah! i hadn't even thought of it! yes loo, i decided to use this post to reveal my secret....i've been stalking you. deal with it.
I bet those gals get peed on a lot.
see, and i NEVER would've thoughta that. boys are gross.
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